A discussion forum is a collaborative space for you to interact with fellow participants, ask questions, and receive answers from subject matter experts and fellow participants, meanwhile fostering knowledge-sharing within the participant group.

Benefits of using Discussion Forum:

  1. Connect with fellow participants and subject matter experts
  2. Get your questions answered by Community Members
  3. Help fellow participants by answering their questions
  4. Add questions before a session has happened so that they’re addressed during a session and documented in the forum

How to use the Discussion Forum?

The Discussion Forum is available at a participant group level. To access the discussion forum follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click on ‘View More’ on the homepage
  2. Select the program
  3. Select the participant group
  4. Click on ‘Discussion’

Here’s how you can start a conversation:

  1. Click on ‘Start a Conversation’.
  2. Enter the ‘Title’ and ‘Description’ of the post. Please note the title and description should not be more than 2000 characters each.
  3. Supportive ‘Images’ and ‘documents’ can also be added to the post. The image editor also allows the participant to annotate the image and add text.
  4. Click on ‘Post your Question’.

Community members can also respond to a post:

  1. Click on ‘Response’ given below the post.
  2. Post your response in the text box, you can also add images and documents to support your text.